Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.013
EU - Europa 1.676
AS - Asia 1.287
AF - Africa 21
OC - Oceania 13
SA - Sud America 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 7.022
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.989
CN - Cina 766
IT - Italia 549
IE - Irlanda 445
SE - Svezia 264
HK - Hong Kong 236
SG - Singapore 225
DE - Germania 136
UA - Ucraina 65
RU - Federazione Russa 58
GB - Regno Unito 54
ES - Italia 23
CA - Canada 21
TH - Thailandia 20
HR - Croazia 14
FR - Francia 12
JP - Giappone 12
AU - Australia 8
IN - India 8
CH - Svizzera 7
HU - Ungheria 7
FI - Finlandia 6
GR - Grecia 6
NG - Nigeria 6
TW - Taiwan 6
BR - Brasile 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
SI - Slovenia 4
AT - Austria 3
ET - Etiopia 3
EU - Europa 3
IL - Israele 3
MX - Messico 3
PL - Polonia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
RS - Serbia 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
TR - Turchia 3
CL - Cile 2
EG - Egitto 2
LB - Libano 2
MA - Marocco 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
MU - Mauritius 2
NL - Olanda 2
RO - Romania 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BJ - Benin 1
CO - Colombia 1
EE - Estonia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
KR - Corea 1
NO - Norvegia 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 7.022
Città #
Fairfield 718
Dublin 444
Woodbridge 389
Ashburn 280
Houston 267
Seattle 252
Chandler 240
Hong Kong 236
Jacksonville 229
Cambridge 227
Wilmington 213
Ann Arbor 172
New York 142
Singapore 126
Boston 122
Mülheim 117
Jinan 110
Princeton 107
Trieste 105
Shenyang 75
Nanjing 70
San Mateo 67
Hebei 56
San Diego 50
Tianjin 39
Zhengzhou 38
Altamura 36
Haikou 34
Taiyuan 34
Fuzhou 33
Guangzhou 33
Taizhou 33
Andover 32
Hangzhou 30
Ningbo 26
Venice 25
Venezia 24
College Station 22
Toronto 21
Chiang Mai 20
Nanchang 19
Beijing 17
Jiaxing 17
Changsha 16
Milan 15
Rome 15
Udine 15
San Paolo di Civitate 14
Dallas 13
Dolo 12
Fremont 12
London 12
Los Angeles 12
Masi 12
Norwalk 9
Redmond 9
Zagreb 9
Cavasso Nuovo 8
Mestre 8
Olot 8
Lusia 7
Redwood City 7
Saint Petersburg 7
Treviso 7
Collegno 6
Gorizia 6
Kagoya 6
Padova 6
Pasadena 6
Boardman 5
Bologna 5
Brno 5
Castel Maggiore 5
Chicago 5
Florence 5
Kilburn 5
Lagos 5
Edinburgh 4
Kansas City 4
Lappeenranta 4
Livorno 4
Modena 4
San Lazzaro Di Savena 4
Xiangfen 4
Acton 3
Auckland 3
Barcelona 3
Cesena 3
Košice 3
Lisbon 3
Littleton 3
Melbourne 3
Merkez 3
Mexico City 3
Mirano 3
Monterosi 3
Moscow 3
Naples 3
New Bedfont 3
Prescot 3
Totale 5.720
Nome #
Cranial anatomy of the Early Triassic trematosaurine Angusaurus (Temnospondyli: Stereospondyli): 3D endocranial insights and phylogenetic implications 168
Early Roman military fortifications and the origin of Trieste (Italy) 152
Archaeological landscape in central northern Istria (Croatia) revealed by airborne LiDAR: from prehistoric sites to Roman centuriation 137
Geo-archaeology of the Grozzana area (N–E Italy) 126
Widespread exploitation of the honeybee by early Neolithic farmers 121
First nearly complete skull of Gallotia auaritae (lower-middle Pleistocene, Squamata, Gallotiinae) and a morphological phylogenetic analysis of the genus Gallotia 119
Digital reconstruction of the Ceprano calvarium (Italy), and implications for its interpretation 118
Becoming adults: exploring the late ontogeny of the human talus 117
A new dryopithecine mandibular fragment from the middle Miocene of Abocador de Can Mata and the taxonomic status of ‘Sivapithecus’ occidentalis from Can Vila (Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula) 117
Comparative cranial osteology of Blanus (Squamata: Amphisbaenia) 114
Provenance of late Republican Roman pottery from Caput Adriae revealed by non-invasive mineral chemistry of melanitic garnets and other igneous minerals 110
Airborne LiDAR application to karstic areas: the example of Trieste province (north-eastern Italy) from prehistoric sites to Roman forts 108
Exploring late Paleolithic and Mesolithic diet in the Eastern Alpine region of Italy through multiple proxies 107
Skull osteology of Vipera walser (Squamata, Viperidae): Description, variability, ontogeny, and diagnostic characters in comparison to other Italian vipers 103
Archaeometric study of protohistoric grinding tools of volcanic rocks found in the Karst (Italy-Slovenia) and Istria (Croatia) 98
Microtomographic-based structural analysis of the Neanderthal child mandible from Archi, Southern Italy 96
A look from the inside: MicroCT analysis of burned bones 95
Protohistoric pastoral landscape in northern Istria revealed by airborne LiDAR: hill forts, enclosures and long linear walls in the Mali Kras plateau (southwestern Slovenia) 95
Organism-substrate interactions and astrobiology: Potential, models and methods 92
Evidence of open-air late prehistoric occupation in the Trieste area (North-eastern Italy): dating, 3D clay plaster characterization and obsidian provenancing 92
Virtual histological assessment of the prenatal life history and age at death of the Upper Paleolithic fetus from Ostuni (Italy) 92
Early life of Neanderthals 90
Palaeopathological Study of the Mompaderno Cranium (Croatian Istria) Reveals Interpersonal Violence during Early Bronze Age 88
Shaft-hole axes from Caput Adriae: Mineralogical and chemical constraints about the provenance of serpentinitic artefacts 87
Asce forate in pietra levigata e altri indicatori di scambi e contatti nel Caput Adriae tra IV e III millennio a.C. 84
Fortificazioni militari repubblicane nell'area di Trieste (Italia nord-orientale): materiali archeologici da Grociana piccola e San Rocco rinvenuti nel corso della prima campagna di ricognizioni 83
Neolithic pottery from the Trieste Karst (northeastern Italy): A multi-analytical study 83
X-ray computed microtomography of late copper age decorated bowls with cross-shaped foots from central Slovenia and the Trieste Karst (North-Eastern Italy): technology and paste characterization 81
Comparative evaluation of destructive (ICP-MS) vs non-invasive analytical methods (PXRF and PGAA) in the study of stone artefacts 80
Halloysite nanotubes/pluronic nanocomposites for waterlogged archeological wood: thermal stability and X-ray microtomography 80
Beeswax as dental filling on a neolithic human tooth 77
Discovery of ancient Roman "highway" reveals geomorphic changes in karst environments during historic times 76
Synchrotron FTIR micro-spectroscopy applied to the study of polished serpentinite artefacts: a non destructive analytical approach 75
A Reappraisal of the Purported Gastric Pellet with Pterosaurian Bones from the Upper Triassic of Italy 72
Reconstructing the protohistoric landscape of Trieste Karst (north-eastern Italy) through airborne LiDAR remote sensing 71
Did neanderthals play music? x-ray computed micro-tomography of the Divje babe ‘flute’? 71
The first evidence for Late Pleistocene dogs in Italy 69
Unique method of tooth replacement in durophagous placodont marine reptiles, with new data on the dentition of Chinese taxa 66
New remains of Diplocynodon (Crocodylia: Diplocynodontidae) from the early Miocene of the Iberian Peninsula 65
A new assessment of the Neanderthal child mandible from Molare, SW Italy, using x-ray microtomography 65
Shaft-hole axes from Caput Adriae made from amphibole-rich metabasites: evidence of connections between Northeastern Italy and Central Europe during the fifth millennium BC 64
Growth of Neanderthal infants from Krapina (120–130 ka), Croatia 63
Late-Copper-Age decorated bowls from the Trieste Karst (north-eastern Italy): What can typology, technology and non-destructive chemical analyses tell us on local vs. foreign production, exchange systems and human mobility patterns? 62
A portable X-ray microtomography system for cultural heritage and paleontology 61
Shaft-holed axes from Slovenia and north western Croatia: an archaeometric study on artefacts manufactured from doleritic basalts 61
Copper Age polished stone shaft-hole axes in Caput Adriae: archaeological implication 59
A reassessment of the Middle Pleistocene human dental remains from Visogliano (Trieste, Italy) based on high-resolution phase contrast microtomography 59
Early Alpine occupation backdates westward human migration in Late Glacial Europe 59
Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence and diffraction portable system for cultural heritage applications 58
Whetstones from Bronze Age hill forts of north eastern Italy 57
Eneolitico e Carso triestino: dati e problemi aperti 57
Serpentinite shaft-holed Axes in the Caput Adriae: preliminary results and perspectives based on X-Ray computerized microtomography 56
The Roman conquest beyond Aquileia (II-I centuries BC) 56
Archaeometric study of prehistoric polished stone artefacts found in the Ljubljanica river (Slovenia) 54
Scientific analyses of stone axes: reconstructing Neolithic long-distance connections in North Eastern Italy 53
Dryopithecine palaeobiodiversity in the Iberian Miocene revisited on the basis of molar endostructural morphology 52
Effects of weathering on in situ portable X-ray fluorescence analyses of geological outcrops: dolerite and rhyolite outcrops from the Preseli Mountains, South Wales 51
A metabasite shaft-hole axe from Grotta Azzurra di Samatorza (Trieste Karst): first evidence of connections between northeastern Italy and central Europe during Neolithic 51
Polished stone axes in the Caput Adriae from Neolithic to Copper Age 49
A portable x-ray system for in-situ XRF, XRD and radiography analysis of cultural heritage materials 49
Prehistoric cultural connections in the Northern Adriatic identified using archaeometrical analyses of stone axes 48
Shaft-holed axes from slovenia and north western Croatia: an archaeometric study on artefacts manufactured from doleritic basalts 48
Decifrare e cartografare le tracce del paesaggio antico nel Carso triestino 48
MicroCT imaging of Red Fox talus: a non-destructive approach to age at death estimation 46
Grociana piccola: a rare example of Republican military fortifications in Italy 46
Polished stone axes from Varna/Nössingbühel and Castelrotto/Grondlboden, South Tyrol (Italy) 45
The Neanderthal patella: topographic bone distribution and inner structural organization 44
Integrating Airborne Laser Scanning and 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar for the Investigation of Protohistoric Structures in Croatian Istria 43
"Pietra verde, Neolitico e post Neolitico, Carso… lo stato della questione" 15 anni dopo 42
Reperti archeologici provenienti da San Canziano del Timavo ritrovati nel Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Trieste, 42
Synchrotron FTIR Spectroscopy applied to the study of polished serpentinite artefacts: a non destructive analytical approach 42
Le asce forate in serpentinite scoperte nel Caput Adriae: implicazioni archeologiche 42
Petrographic and geochemical comparison between the Copper Age "Ljubljana type" axes and similar lithotypes from Eisenkappler Diabaszug complex (southern Austria) 41
Mineralogical and chemical constraints about the provenance of Copper Age polished stone axes of “Ljubljana type” from Caput Adriae 41
The Lions of Venice Arsenal: a neuroscientific approach to Cultural Heritage 39
Nuove strutture fortificate protostoriche a Rupinpiccolo (Carso triestino) 39
Nuove considerazioni sugli “aghi da rete” rinvenuti in alcuni siti archeologici del Carso triestino 39
“Greenstone” shaft-hole axes of North-Eastern Italy, Slovenia, Croatia: a new research project 38
Le collezioni del Civico Museo di Storia Naturale di Trieste: primi risultati di una revisione in corso 37
Le coppe su piede del Carso triestino: contatti e scambi nel III millennio a.C. tra Caput Adriae ed Europa centrale 37
Monte Argentario (GR). Cala dei Santi. Grotta dei Santi 37
Morphologies in-between: The impact of the first steps on the human talus 36
Grotta Pocala (scavi 2003): relazione preliminare 36
Prehistoric polished stone axes from Italy, Slovenia and Croatia: case studies and archaeometric strategies 36
I castellieri di Trieste tra Carso e mare 35
Le materie prime litiche nelle Valli del Natisone 35
Scambi e strategie di approvvigionamento nel Ljubljansko Barje del IV millennio a.C. dedotti dallo studio archeometrico di manufatti in pietra 35
High-accuracy methodology for the integrative restoration of archaeological teeth by using reverse engineering techniques and rapid prototyping 34
Prehistoric stone disks from entrances and cemeteries of north-eastern Adriatic hillforts|Prazgodovinski kamniti diski z vhodov in grobi[; na gradi[;ih na severovzhodnem Jadranu 34
Polished stone axes from Spaha 34
Prehistoric cultural connections in the North-Eastern Adriatic regions, identified by means of archaeometrical analyses of stone axes 34
Studio archeometrico delle macine in roccia vulcanica rinvenute nei castellieri del Carso e dell’Istria 34
Nuova luce sugli antichi accampamenti militari romani 34
Turismo e didattica tra reale e virtuale 33
MicroCT analysis of archaeozoological remains: a non-destructive approach to the age estimation 33
Fortificazioni militari repubblicane nell'area di Trieste (Italia nord-orientale): materiali archeologici da Grociana piccola e San Rocco rinvenuti nel corso della prima campagna di ricognizioni 33
Il castelliere di Monte Grisa presso Prosecco nei taccuini di Carlo Marchesetti 33
Reconstructing the archaeological landscape in the Trieste Karst (north-eastern Italy) through airborne LiDAR remote sensing 33
Neolithic and Copper Age polished stone axes in the Caput Adriae: synthesis of a long-term interdisciplinary project 33
Totale 6.592
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.465
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 37.465

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2020/20212.434 0 0 0 0 97 1.164 188 261 78 262 184 200
2021/20222.120 170 390 341 333 145 23 25 89 38 213 213 140
2022/20231.464 187 88 40 65 56 618 10 62 130 20 162 26
2023/20241.213 48 41 60 50 170 209 73 79 247 47 189 0
Totale 7.231